Saturday, December 22, 2007

Football Play of the Day

A friend of mine has a cousin who is a finalist in a sports video competition! He sent me an email to ask if I'd vote for his cousin's one-handed interception that was caught on video. If you'd like to help him win (what he wins, I don't know!) click here and vote for the video of Jordan Luttrell of Flora High School in Illinois. Just watch the video and click "Vote for this finalist!" Thanks!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Cats at Play

Just got this picture from a friend at church. Looks like these cats are playing whatever game that is!


For some strange reason I am really enjoying this song below by a group called "Feist." You may recognize it from the "ipod" commercial. I had never even heard of Feist and figured they were some random band with little following. How wrong and out of touch I am with popular music culture! Our worship leader, Cary, was like, "Oh yeah...Feist...Do you have their album? They two of them...their on my ipod." And I was thinking, "yep...I'm old and out of touch." Maybe I'll get an ipod in two years. Meanwhile, I'll enjoy the video and song below.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Power Preacher

I thought some of you might enjoy this video clip of a pastor of a new church in Charlotte. His preaching style is a little (okay, a lot) different than mine, but I like the point he's making.