Day 29 - Mr. Postman
Lord Jesus Christ, speak to me.
You yourselves are our letter, written on our hearts, known and read by everybody. 3 You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts. 2 Corinthians 3:2-3
As you know, we mailed a letter to just about everyone in the 27560 zip code this past week. Chances are, those folks will be receiving that letter today or tomorrow. We do mailers like this because we believe that there are people in Morrisville who have lost their connection with God or never felt like they ever had one in the first place. Many people are hurting in different ways and need the healing that only God can give. We pray that folks would read our letter and visit our church. Hopefully, at The Bridge they will find a place where they see lives changed by God. A place with imperfect people, but people who are striving to do their best to love God and love their neighbor as themselves. I'm confident that is what people will find when they visit The Bridge.
With that in mind, look again at the Bible verses above. It talks about being a letter. Yes, we mailed out 8,709 letters. But those letters are so insignificant compared to the letter of our lives. We are Christ letter. We are a letter, mailed from God, to the world. The letter is not sealed. It does not have to be opened. It is a letter on display for all to see. The letter is our life. People can see our lives and read about God's love for them. They can see in us (hopefully) a life changed by God. A life less filled with judgment and filling up with love and grace and mercy. A life that shines and shouts, "LIFE."
Remember today that you are Christ's letter. Your life has been addressed by God to those that you will interact with today. They will read your life today, and see God's message to them. Shine the light of God into someone's life today.
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