Day 20 - Guest Devotional Blogger - Matt Windley
Lord Jesus Christ, speak to me.
"May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine upon us, that your ways may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations." Psalm 67:1-2
I like to think of myself as a fairly unselfish person. If I enjoy something I typically want to share it. For example, have you ever heard of the bag of chips called Munchies? I discovered them my junior year of college and I became addicted. It's basically like Chex Mix on steroids. You've got doritos, cheetos, sun chips, and pretzels all in one bag!! I would seriously down whole bags of munchies on sitting. I loved them that much. So, naturally, I shared them with people. I told people about munchies. I let people try my munchies. I even used Munchies in sermons! I told people about them because I was passionate about them.
Our vision for The Bridge is to be an outwardly focused church. When we accept Christ's plan for our life and become a Christian we don't simply vaporize or beam up into heaven. We're left here and Psalm 67 tells us why: to make God known among the nations! I love Munchies. They taste great, but how much greater is God! He is the creator of the universe! He's the author of all things! He's our Redeemer and our Friend! It should be our passion to share God with the nations.
This morning, reflect on two thoughts?
1. How can you share your passion for God with others today?
2. People don't share about something they aren't passionate about. Are you sharing? Is God worth enough to you to share?
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